Sunday, March 13, 2016

What kind of laptop should I buy?!

Hi there! So I wanted to buy a laptop that:
-supports online gaming
-I can buy steam games (like they'll run smoothly)
-has everything I need for college
-just an overall good laptop.
My price range is $400-$500. At first, I really wanted to buy an Acer but I know nothing about computers/laptops. So all you tech savvy people, please please help me out! Thank you so much.

P.S. Please be as descriptive as possible if you can. Like if you tell me "buy an HP" what kind? You know what I mean?
Added (1). Okay, so a lot of people are saying my price range is too low. What if I bump it up to about $600-$700? Also, if you guys can, can you recommend laptops that would be sold in stores? My parents aren't fans of online shopping:/ THANKS AGAIN

Read more: What kind of laptop should I buy?!