Saturday, November 21, 2015

Which all-in-one computer to buy?

Please, don't make me out to be a dumb teenager.
I am sixteen and I know absolutely nothing about computers.

What I do with my computers:
1. Watch a lot of movies
2. Surf the net a lot.
3. Facebook.
4. Don't play any games.
5. Use the word processor.
6. Work on loads of photograph.
7. School work.

My Demand:
1. A large screen (above 20 inches), with an amazing resolution.
2. Portable.
3. Touchscreen
4. Sleek looking. (keyboard and mouse too.)
5. 1 TB storage.
6. Really fast.
7. Windows 10?
8. Web cam
9. Built in wireless networking

I really don't know anything. I don't want an imac but was looking at 'lenovo' and 'dell' the other day. Money is not an issue but keeping it under $1000 would be great.
Any help would be kindly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
Added (1). With an intel chip too.

Read more: Which all-in-one computer to buy?