Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Is there something wrong in my Laptop?

So I recently bought a laptop… A lenovo Z51-70… First let me give it's specifications
Processor: Intel Core i7 5500U, 2.40GHz
Ram: 8GB DDR3
Graphics: 1) Intel HD graphics 5500
2) AMD Radeon R9 M375
So seeing these specs i thought this was a high end laptop… So i installed The witcher 3 game in my laptop put it to high settings and started playing… Only to find the game was not even reaching 20 fps properly… Not only with witcher 3 I've tried some other games which has the same result… So what i want to know is is my laptop high end? If yes what is the problem in my laptop? Can i tweak my laptop (Except over clocking) to run games smoothly?
Thanks in advance.

Read more: Is there something wrong in my Laptop?