Thursday, July 2, 2015

Laptop charger port broken, warranty?

I have a Lenovo Laptop, with a warranty. It states that the warranty is only usable if the damage is caused by normal use.
Today my charger port became completely loose, in the morning I plugged it in and it seemed normal, a few hours ago however i noticed my laptop drain of charge and i wiggled the port and of course it was loose.

When I bought the laptop the port was already a tiny bit wobbly but I didn't want to complain because i thought maybe it was supposed to be a bit flexible? Point is, it hasn't had a significant increase of damage to the port until later today, it hadn't been dropped or anything - just put on my bed all day.

Does this count as normal usage damage or because of me? I tried especially hard to be gentle with the port so this wouldn't happen and I'm really confused to how it occurred.

If anyone who has been through the same thing or a computer expert could answer that would be great!

Read more: Laptop charger port broken, warranty?