Monday, May 4, 2015

Quad-Core Laptop is painfully slow?

I bought a Lenovo Laptop that came with a quad-core AMD A6-5200 2.0GHz processor with 4GB Ram

However since I've bought it I hate using it because while it runs games ok-ish, the operating system (Win 8.1) is so slow to use- Like when clocking on Chrome it takes 30 seconds to open and load Google. I know the clock speed it quite slow but no way should a Quad-core be this slow?
I have a 4 year old dual core i3 3.3GHz Dell and that is so much faster- clicking chrome it will open and load google pretty much instantly

I know how to keep Windows clean and virus free I'm no alien (Evident from keeping a 4 year old mediocre Dell in such a fast condition) I just wonder why this laptop is so painfully slow?
Added (1). May I point out that the Dell is a Desktop and runs on AC power
Added (2). Clicking on Chrome**

Read more: Quad-Core Laptop is painfully slow?